XAPKS Installer by APKMODY
New era of APK Installer

What is XAPKS Installer?
XAPKS Installer is a tool that allows you to install .apks, .xapk, .apkm, .zip and .obb files on Android phones.
A smart & versatile installer
There are many different APK formats such as APKs, XAPK, APKM, OBB…And to install these formats, users will take a lot of time. To solve this problem, XAPKS Installer was born.
Just open the app, select the file to install, and let XAPKS Installer do the work for you.
Back up your favorite apps
Not only is it capable of supporting app installation, but XAPKS Installer also allows you to extract existing applications on your device. No matter whether it’s a simple APK app or an Android App Bundle, you can easily back up or share it.
The application works well and is compatible with most apps, including the most popular ones: Spotify, Netflix, VSCO, Picsart, Subway Surfers, Fortnite, Minecraft.
Free and available on Google Play
Now, with XAPKS Installer in your hands, you can install all the free Games and Apps available at APKMODY!